Knowledge Exchange Platform

Success factors of the regional ERASMI network in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)

Success factors of the regional ERASMI network in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany) Networks are considered an important approach for successful inclusion. This is why the ERASMI project has established networks for migrant and refugee inclusion in four European regions, among them in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany). To learn more about our experiences and perceived success factors in Saxony-Anhalt, check

Success factors of networks in the field of migrant and refugee inclusion

Success factors of networks in the field of migrant and refugee inclusion Connecting with others through a network: This can be an advantage for your own inclusion work. We have compiled an infographic on the conditions that make networks successful: To learn more about success factors of networks in the field of migrant and refugee

Integration through cooperation: A video interview with the Integration Network Erfurt

Integration through cooperation: A video interview with the Integration Network Erfurt How do you coordinate a large network of 82 different actors, especially in times of pandemic? What challenges and solutions are there? We asked Rebecca Heintz, coordinator of the Integration Network of the German City of Erfurt, directly in Erfurt (German with English subtitles):

Brick by brick: Students’ policy ideas to help refugees make their way to the real UN

Brick by brick: Students’ policy ideas to help refugees make their way to the real UN At first, it looked like a room full of diplomats. Hundreds of smartly dressed people raising placards with country names. Small groups holding peace talks in the corner. Notes passed quietly from one person to the next. But actually

Commission’s actions for supporting countries receiving Ukrainian refugees

Commission’s actions for supporting countries receiving Ukrainian refugees The European Commission presented on Wednesday (23 March) its actions to support member states in meeting the needs of those fleeing war in Ukraine.  Across multiple areas, including education, health, jobs, and human rights, the Commission has rolled out various plans and measures to assist the millions

How Inclusion Leads to Safer Cities for All Inhabitants

How Inclusion Leads to Safer Cities for All Inhabitants “As we confront COVID-19, the last thing we should do is shut out immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees.” In 2020, the mayors of Los Angeles, Freetown, and São Paulo publicly condemned national pandemic responses that conditioned support on a person’s immigration status, arguing that exclusionary practices

Stronger bonds between hosts and migrants build more inclusive societies

Stronger bonds between hosts and migrants build more inclusive societies Migrants have the potential to expand their own income, education, health and life choices, to fill labour gaps, create businesses, innovate and pay taxes in their host countries. They send remittances to their families left behind, investing and financing local development initiatives. By extending a

The Ambassadors of Germany and Norway to Tehran have said the two countries are ready to support Iran in improving services to refugees

The Ambassadors of Germany and Norway to Tehran have said the two countries are ready to support Iran in improving services to refugees TEHRAN – The ambassadors of Germany and Norway to Tehran have said the two countries are ready to support Iran in improving services to refugees. The envoy made the remarks during a

Integration jenseits der Zentren

Integrationsakteure diskutieren in der Tagung „Integration jenseits der Zentren“ über Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen in ländlichen Räumen „Wir sind ja nicht in Berlin oder Hamburg!“, „Man kann Magdeburg nicht mit Wernigerode vergleichen…“ Solche und ähnliche Aussagen sind in der Diskussion mit Integrationsakteuren regelmäßig zu hören. Das liegt daran, dass die Integration von Geflüchteten und Migrant*innen in

Integration beyond the urban centres

Integration actors discuss experiences and challenges in rural areas at the workshop "Integration beyond the urban centres" "We're not in Berlin or Hamburg!", "You can't compare Magdeburg with Wernigerode..." These and similar statements are regularly heard in discussions with integration actors, as the integration of refugees and migrants in rural areas is characterised by specific

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